In March, we always look forward to changing the clock. Some things seem to signal the change from winter to spring. The first crocus. The sound of birds chirping. Turning the clocks ahead an hour. On Sunday, March 9, at 2 a.m., people in most areas of the U.S. will turn their clocks ahead one hour to Daylight Saving (not “Savings”) Time. You may have already noticed that it’s staying lighter later, thanks to the […]
Rules of the Road(the waterway) Rules of the road are the accepted system of right of way, which you must follow to be courteous and safety-minded. These rules are numerous and detailed but if you learn just a few, you should be covered in most recreational boating situations. For example: the “stand-on vessel” has the right of way, and the “give-way vessel” needs to accommodate the other.