

on July 10, 2019

OKAY, POSSIBLE RANT COMING…… I digress. All too often I see and experience an all too common lack of common decency and basic boating right of way. Heck, how about some common respect and manners. This article addresses it very well and keeps my blood pressure in check. How Close Is Too Close? By Carol Newman Cronin Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That’s the moral code, right? Maybe it’s […]


on July 3, 2019

SUMMER BOATING BASICS Okay, so now that Summer is here, and the holiday is rapidly approaching, the waters tend to get busy so let’s remember some basics of having a safe summer boating season. Below are some quick tips on boating responsibly in the great outdoors.  TRAVEL RESPONSIBLY Travel responsibly on designated waterways and launch your watercraft in designated areas. Travel only in areas open to your type of boat. Carry a Coast Guard approved […]


on June 19, 2019

I often get asked questions as to what flares are the best. Here’s a quick snapshot of what I tell folks.   First ,Flares should be kept in a waterproof container in an easily accessible location such as a cockpit locker.  There are several types of flares for different purposes: Distress flares RED HANDHELD FLARES: Use as a line of sight distress signal by day and night.Hold with arms outstretched.Point downwind.Don’t look at flare.Lasts approx 1 […]


on May 29, 2019

Here’s some useful tips on boat lines. By David and Zora Aiken for BoatUS Experienced cruisers share their line on slipping a boat into its berth with stress-free grace. Docking a boat isn’t as easy as parking a car, something novice boat owners learn quickly; the helmsperson simply can’t steer to a stopping point and hit the brakes. Traction is not a factor and there are outside influences the car driver never needs to consider, […]


on May 22, 2019

A maritime expert witness is a person who possesses knowledge of matters relating to the construction of ships, marine shipping, or navigation and who offers this expertise in a court of law. They prepare an analysis of situations and present the information to attorneys, judges and juries. They offer general insight on the cause of an accident, reconstruct the events of an accident and determine environmental threats. They also may be called upon to analyze […]


on May 15, 2019

IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR! Another class of students emerge into the cold reality of the world we live in. It’s okay to be scared but don’t let it stop you We all are scared. Even those of us who have been emerged in it for decades. But, trust me, you get used to it. Take Will Ferrell, describing his own career journey, Ferrell said he graduated in 1990 from USC with a degree in Sports […]


on May 8, 2019

What Inverters Do Inverters operate somewhat like battery chargers in reverse: they take DC power from a battery and, utilizing sophisticated circuitry, change it into 120 Volt AC current. The ship’s batteries are the inverter’s fuel tank and, by nature, inverters can consume a lot. They will only provide 120 Volt AC power as long as there is ample juice left in the 12 Volt batteries. It is strongly recommended that you have a separate, […]


on April 24, 2019

Proper care will add years to the useful life of clear plastics while improper care can shorten it to a single season. Glass windshields remain crystal clear with little or no attention, but the same is not true for plastic windows. Soft or hard, clear plastics are damaged by exposure, inevitably losing clarity over time. Care varies by the material. Soft plastics that can be rolled away are usually made from vinyl. Here’s some sage […]


on April 17, 2019

It all begins with your electrical system. Your electronics performance depends on it. Here are some key inspection points and procedures for checking your electrical and other systems. When were your batteries last replaced? Consider replacing them after three to four years. Ensure battery terminal connections are tight and free from corrosion buildup.  Check that the wiring connections for all electronic and electrical devices make solid contact. Terminal connections can and do come loose from […]


on April 10, 2019

SPRING BOAT COMMISSIONING BASED ON AN ARTICLE By Frank Lanier Finally, it’s time to ready your boat for the upcoming season! Check Those Thru-Hulls Springtime is the right time to check each of your composite (plastic) thru-hulls for cracks and deterioration. Degradation due to ultraviolet light is the main culprit; however, stress caused by an unsupported hose bouncing around inside also can be a factor. Failure typically begins as a crack where the body of […]