As we get set for another boating season, thought we should touch on the often misunderstood land breezes. What is a Land Breeze The opposite of a sea breeze is a land breeze. While sea breezes occur during the day, land breezes occur at night. Despite the difference in times at which the land breezes and sea breezes occur, the reason for the land breeze’s formation is the same as the sea breeze, just the […]
St. Patrick’s Day, originally a religious feast day in Ireland, has evolved into a vibrant celebration of Irish culture, especially in the United States. The first recorded St. Paddy’s Day parade in America took place in 1601 in St. Augustine, Florida, organized by an Irish priest. Later, Irish soldiers in the British Army held a parade in New York City in 1762, marking the beginning of the city’s famous annual tradition. As Irish immigrants arrived […]
In March, we always look forward to changing the clock. Some things seem to signal the change from winter to spring. The first crocus. The sound of birds chirping. Turning the clocks ahead an hour. On Sunday, March 9, at 2 a.m., people in most areas of the U.S. will turn their clocks ahead one hour to Daylight Saving (not “Savings”) Time. You may have already noticed that it’s staying lighter later, thanks to the […]
Rules of the Road(the waterway) Rules of the road are the accepted system of right of way, which you must follow to be courteous and safety-minded. These rules are numerous and detailed but if you learn just a few, you should be covered in most recreational boating situations. For example: the “stand-on vessel” has the right of way, and the “give-way vessel” needs to accommodate the other.
Here’s some steps for a better survey. Don’t Get In The Surveyor’s Way Most surveyors like it when the buyer is at the survey. They can answer questions and point out things of interest on the boat that may not find their way into the survey report. That being said, it makes the job slower if you hover. Allow the surveyor to do his job — you’ll get a complete written report about everything he […]
There are three emergency procedure words that carry extra importance when you’re communicating by radio. In order of decreasing severity, they are mayday, pan-pan, and sécurité. Emergency Words Word Derivation Meaning When To Use Comment MAYDAY From the French “m’aidez,” which means “help me” A vessel and/or crew is in grave and imminent danger Life-threatening medical emergency; possibility of losing the boat Use for imminent danger only PAN-PAN From the French “panne,” which means “broken” […]
Why not have some super snacks when you watch the Super Bowl? Below are two of my favorite Super bowl go to super snacks. SUPERBOWL SNACKS (my SECRET WEAPONS) Those that know me, know I tinker in the kitchen. WARNING: I take no responsibility if you pay more attention to the food than the game. Chicken Parm Bites Ingredients Directions Buffalo Chicken Meatballs Go balls to the wall for these buff chick meatballs. Ingredients Directions […]
No matter how good you are at routine repairs and maintenance work, don’t wait for a breakdown to find a good technician. The best time is before an emergency occurs. If your boat and engine are still covered by the manufacturers’ warranties, your local dealer will be your first stop. Even if the problem isn’t covered by warranty, it’s a good idea to discuss the problem with the dealer because work done by a non-dealer […]
There are many ways to assist us in making boating easier. Let’s explore some common fixes Avoid Seized Snaps Boating is easier if you pay attention to your snaps. Damaged canvas due to unyielding snaps is nearly always due to neglect. Snaps should be kept clean and lubricated. Wash all your snaps regularly, either with pressure from a nozzle or with a container of fresh water and a toothbrush. A little petroleum jelly or teflon […]
Winter storage, It’s no surprise that when freezing temps blast an area where annual winterization isn’t the norm, damage claims are sure to follow. If your winter storm-prep plan consists of hanging a garage drop light in the engine compartment and calling it good, you may want to beef it up with some of the following tasks. Just because its not freezing all winter down here, doesn’t mean you should ignore these tips. Engines: Because […]