Proper care will add years to the useful life of clear plastics while improper care can shorten it to a single season. Glass windshields remain crystal clear with little or no attention, but the same is not true for plastic windows. Soft or hard, clear plastics are damaged by exposure, inevitably losing clarity over time. Care varies by the material. Soft plastics that can be rolled away are usually made from vinyl. Here’s some sage […]
It all begins with your electrical system. Your electronics performance depends on it. Here are some key inspection points and procedures for checking your electrical and other systems. When were your batteries last replaced? Consider replacing them after three to four years. Ensure battery terminal connections are tight and free from corrosion buildup. Check that the wiring connections for all electronic and electrical devices make solid contact. Terminal connections can and do come loose from […]
SPRING BOAT COMMISSIONING BASED ON AN ARTICLE By Frank Lanier Finally, it’s time to ready your boat for the upcoming season! Check Those Thru-Hulls Springtime is the right time to check each of your composite (plastic) thru-hulls for cracks and deterioration. Degradation due to ultraviolet light is the main culprit; however, stress caused by an unsupported hose bouncing around inside also can be a factor. Failure typically begins as a crack where the body of […]
HOW TO HANDLE PROPANE ON A BOAT Here’s a great article by Mark Corke about Propane handling. Propane is heavier than air, which means any escaping gas can end up in your bilge. The results could be deadly. A locker for propane should contain the cylinders, often called bottles, properly secured, and nothing else Note the drainpipe to safely vent spilled gas overboard away from the boat interior. (Illustration: ©2018 Mirto Art Studio) […]