It’s important to ensure that the boat is secured to the lift. This is important to do as a matter of course, but especially critical when extreme weather is predicted
There is no right of way on the water. Every boater is obligated to do what is required to avoid collision. In any meeting of boats, one is deemed the stand-on vessel and the other the give-way vessel. The rules of the road explain the situation more completely and can be learned in a boating safety course. Crossing If the other boat is to your starboard (right), it’s considered the stand-on or privileged vessel and […]
When involved in a boating accident, it is a good idea to consult a boating accident attorney.
walk before you run Most people will be best off if they build up to bigger trips by starting with smaller trips
Sunglasses with polarized lenses have been an important piece of navigation equipment since they came on the market 40 years ago. With polarized filtered lenses, side glare from windshields, water and shiny surfaces are eliminated. In more recent years, popular thinking says blue-mirror sunglasses and gray-base lenses are best for offshore, and copper or amber-base lenses with green, gold or copper mirror are best inshore in brackish, brown or green water. When ot comes to […]
Connectivity on the water is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Nearly everyone needs to check in
Seasickness can range from mild feelings of discomfort to uncontrollable nausea and weakness. It’s unpleasant at the very least and on a boat, it can be dangerous. Seasickness is a sneaky condition and you can go from uncomfortable to vomiting to depleted very quickly. Avoiding Seasickness Focus your eyes, breath and mind. Avoid triggers, like acidic, spicy or odorous food, and alcohol. Stay out of the sun, and find a shady spot to cool off and […]
The relationship between the wind and the waves is very important to boat skippers. So important that a completely new classification system was designed as a guideline incorporating both wind speed and the wave conditions most readily found at those speeds. Beaufort Scale The system, called the Beaufort Scale, was developed in 1805 by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort of the British Navy. It is, to this day, a guideline for what can be expected in […]
You are finally in the water, and nothing is further from your mind than dockside sinking. Before you go looking to far ahead to the season ahead, don’t forget to take a few steps to ensure success. More vessels sink at the dock while unattended than sink while underway and manned. A common reason is when cockpit drains get clogged and the vessel takes on water from heavy rains or waves slapping over a low […]
Compasses are a must have to navigate effectively. The oldest but most important navigational tool known to man is the compass. Compasses come in all shapes and sizes, but for this, I’m concentrating on the main magnetic steering compass. A Low-Tech Necessity Many boaters think that, in these days of electronic-charting aids, compasses are no longer needed. Nothing could be further from the truth. A magnetic compass requires no electricity to operate, so it could […]