Alcohol’s dangers are well documented. Most people know that alcohol affects judgment, vision, balance, and coordination, which greatly increase the likelihood of accidents. The Coast Guard says that in alcohol-related fatalities, more than half the victims capsized their boats or went overboard. A boater is even more likely to become impaired than a driver of a car. Stressors Stressors, such as exposure to noise, vibration, sun, glare, wind, and the motion of the water affect […]
Wintering Down South It’s no surprise that when freezing temps blast an area where annual winterization isn’t the norm, damage claims are sure to follow. If your winter storm-prep plan consists of hanging a garage drop light in the engine compartment and calling it good, you may want to beef it up with some of the following tasks. Just because its not freezing all winter down here, doesn’t mean you should ignore these tips. Engines: […]
“Your future has nothing to do with your past,” That’s true, but only if you’re willing to accept the idea that things can get better. Ask anyone who dropped 25 pounds and finished their first 10k run. Or the person whose career, company or industry got downsized, who retrained and got a new job, and who is now happier – maybe even making more money than ever before. The truth about your future is that […]
This New Year consider adding some new things to your mix instead of taking things away. Hit the gym Working out is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves, but the challenge is being consistent. Even if you’re only working out for 10 minutes, if you’re doing it five days a week it totally counts as a healthy habit. The options are endlessly easy from joining gym, taking a class, downloading a […]
The custom of burning the Yule Log goes back to, and before, medieval times. It was originally a Nordic tradition. Yule is the name of the old Winter Solstice festivals in Scandinavia and other parts of northern Europe, such as Germany. The Yule Log was originally an entire tree, that was carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony. The largest end of the log would be placed into the fire hearth while […]
If you are around water, you are used to bells. This Time of Year, We Hear Christmas Bells Bells, especially Church Bells, have traditionally been associated with Christmas for a long time. In the Anglican and Catholic churches, the church day starts at sunset, so any service after that is the first service of the day. So a service on Christmas Eve after sunset is traditionally the first service of Christmas day! In churches that […]
The Christmas tree has long been a tradition of the holidays. In 16th-century Germany fir trees were decorated, both indoors and out, with apples, roses, gilded candies, and colored paper. In the Middle Ages, a popular religious play depicted the story of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. A fir tree hung with apples was used to symbolize the Garden of Eden — the Paradise Tree. The play ended with the prophecy […]
This season, the first tradition is Christmas Stockings. The tradition of Christmas stockings originated in the generous deeds of a nobleman named Nicholas who was born in 280 A.D. in Asia Minor. Nicholas dedicated his life to following the principles of Jesus Christ, using his wealth to help impoverished and suffering people. He became the Bishop of Myra in his young years, and was immensely popular for his kind, generous heart. Nicholas never married or […]
Carving, and serving, the perfect turkey Many beautiful Thanksgiving feasts have been spoiled when the golden brown turkey is hacked to pieces by an improperly trained carver. Whether you are looking to improve your technique, confirm that you are doing it right, or getting ready to pass the knife to Junior this year, here’s a quick look at the proper way to look good slicing up and giving your family the bird. What you’ll need: […]
Get A Marine Survey It’s easy to fall in love with an appealing sheer line, shimmering gelcoat, and gleaming teak, but DON’T let your heart guide you; you need an objective marine survey to avoid buying with rose-colored sunglasses on. A marine survey is an independent evaluation of a boat’s condition and value, performed by a qualified inspector who has no stake in the outcome. In fact, even experienced surveyors will usually hire a fellow […]