No! There’s no substitute for a proper marine survey, but there are some basic DIY inspection techniques. Depending on the type of boat, you may save yourself grief, time, and money by looking at the vessel with a critical eye before calling in a surveyor. The first step? Take off those rose-colored glasses and take a hard look at the boat, which can help you spot potential problems. First Impressions First impressions count for a […]
What to Watch Out For The U.S. Coast Guard, in its “A Boater’s Guide to the Federal Requirements for Recreational Boats,” offers these clues to an approaching weather change, which usually brings the most challenging conditions. Signs of bad weather approaching for boaters: Flat clouds getting lower and thicker; Puffy, vertically rising clouds getting higher; Dark, threatening clouds, especially to the west/southwest; A sudden drop in temperature; A halo around the sun or moon; Increasing […]
Consider the mecca of many a Florida Keys pilgrimage- Key West, the last stop on the line before you’re headed for Cuba about 90 miles away. The place has long drawn legions of colorful characters ranging from Tennessee Williams to Ernest Hemingway. Several presidents also vacationed here; Franklin D. Roosevelt was a particularly big fan. If heading ashore, many often head to Duval Street. You can even take part in the Duval Crawl, a do-it-yourself […]
When a locator beacon is activated it transmits an SOS message on the 406 MHz frequency (which is reserved for emergency distress communications) to the Cospas-Sarsat international search and rescue satellite constellation, and other geostationary satellites. The distress signal is then relayed to a network of ground stations and the U. S. Mission Control Center (USMCC) in Suitland, MD. Once alerted, the USMCC alerts the appropriate local or national authorities to initiate a search and […]
Here’s some tips to save from our friends at BoatUS: CONSIDER NON-MARINE PRODUCTS In general, purchase marine products, especially anything electrical. But some items, such as oil filters, air cleaners, cable ties, spray lubricants, quality stainless fasteners, and sandpaper, can be bought at local hardware stores or online at a lower cost than at a marine retailer. Read labels and specs to be sure that a product is not inappropriate for your boat and circumstances. […]
BASED ON AN ARTICLE IN BOATUS Data, Not Intelligence Chartplotters have made everyday navigation a dream. But, like all technology, they have their limits. The first is the user. As in the case above, if you’re going fast enough it’s possible that the screen might not refresh quickly enough to keep up with your position. That could be because of processor speed, but it could also be a function of the GPS chip, and the […]
When did New Year’s resolutions start? Religious origins: The Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. How long does the average person keep their New Year’s resolution? Surprisingly, 75% of resolutions will be continued through the entire first week of January, but only 46% make it […]
In 16th-century Germany fir trees were decorated, both indoors and out, with apples, roses, gilded candies, and colored paper. In the Middle Ages, a popular religious play depicted the story of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. A fir tree hung with apples was used to symbolize the Garden of Eden — the Paradise Tree. The play ended with the prophecy of a savior coming, and so was often performed during the Advent […]
The art of gift wrapping has been around for centuries. It’s origins are found in Asia, where the first bits of paper date back to Ancient China in the 2nd Century B.C. In the Southern Song dynasty (960 to 1279), gifts of money were distributed to government officials in envelopes called “chih poh”. This wrapping paper was made of hemp, bamboo fibers, and rice straws. In Japan, the traditional reusable wrapping cloth called the “Furoshiki” […]
DON’T FORGET TO FLUSH Back in the day, flushing an outboard with fresh water was done only one way. A set of “ear muffs” or “flush muffs” was fitted around the engine’s gear case to cover the water intakes, connected to a garden hose with a good water supply, and the engine was run for five to 10 minutes Why Salt and brackish water is a corrosive killer of the aluminum from which outboards are […]