There’s no reason your dog can’t enjoy the water. Here’s four keys to boating with your dog.
The first thing you should do before boating with your dog is to get him a canine life jacket. You can find doggie life jackets at most boating stores and pet shops. When you are buying a life jacket for your dog, make sure it fits. Even though most dogs can swim, high seas or fatigue can cause drowning in even the most avid of swimmers, so don’t risk it, get your dog a life jacket. Even if your dog doesn’t drown if he goes overboard for any reason, excessive fatigue can cause numerous problems. (Boating with Pets.)
The second thing you should do when boating with your dog is to not encourage your dog to drink water from the lake or sea. Freshwater lakes may be contaminated from factory waste and even other boats. Avoid allowing your dog to drink water from a lake. Take fresh drinking water with you on your trip and give that to your dog. The atmosphere out on the water can be hot and dry. Avoid putting your dog at risk of dehydration. Make sure there is ample drinking water available to him at all times.
The third thing you should do when you’re thinking about your dog is use of sunscreen. Just as we need sunscreen to protect ourselves from harmful rays, so do some dogs. Some short haired breeds of dogs get sunburned rapidly. Consider using a light SPF sunscreen such as SPF-15 on your dog. On hot and sunny days, you should consider a higher SPF factor. Make sure you choose a neutrally scented sunscreen so it doesn’t irritate your dog.
The fourth and final thing you should put into consideration is that your dog will need to relieve himself somewhere. Take plenty of doggie waste bags and paper towels with you on your trip as well as an odor neutralizer to clean up after your dog. If you can train your dog to use puppy pads this is ideal as it will make cleaning up after the dog much easier. Clean up after your dog immediately to reduce the risk of feces born diseases and odor.
Taking these four simple tips into consideration can help you make the most of your boating trip. Your dog will enjoy the fresh air and time spent with you and exercising basic safety precautions should ensure a safe and pleasant day out on the lake or at sea.
Thanks to our friends at Discover Boating.