Make Sure The Boat Is Prepared
If you are asking a surveyor to come to your boat to perform an insurance survey, make sure that the surveyor has access. Don’t expect him or her to empty out lockers of heavy anchors, bags of sails, and boxes of spare parts. The surveyor needs to look at the mechanical parts of the boat, and it causes delays to have to move tons of stuff out of the way. If in doubt, ask the surveyor what he needs before he arrives. He won’t expect everything to be off the boat, but he will appreciate reasonable access.
Once a client asked me to survey his 33-foot sailboat, but it turned out that the entire contents of a small apartment seemed to have been crammed aboard. If that wasn’t bad enough, the boat also had a big dog aboard!
Most surveyors like it when the buyer is at the survey. They can answer questions and point out things of interest on the boat that may not find their way into the survey report. That being said, it makes the job slower if you hover. Allow the surveyor to do his job — you’ll get a complete written report about everything he sees.